Ginseng contains more than 40 ginsenosides, which are steroidal, and triterpenoid ginsenosides. It is mainly found in medicinal herbs of the genus Ginseng. Ginsenosides are considered to be the active ingredients in ginseng and are therefore the target of research. Because ginsenosides affect multiple metabolic pathways, their potency is also complex and the individual components of the various ginsenosides are difficult to isolate.

Ginsenosides all share a similar basic structure, containing steroidal steroid nuclei consisting of 30 carbon atoms arranged in four rings. They are classified into two groups depending on the glycosidic base architecture: dammarane and oleanane types.
Dammarane types include two types: ginseng diol type – type A, 20(S) – proto-ginseng diol. Contains the largest number of ginsenosides such as ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rb3, Rc, Rd, Rg3, Rh2, and glycosidic PD; Ginseng Triol Type – Type B, 20(S) – proto-ginsenoside triol. Contains the ginsenosides Re, Rg1, Rg2, Rh1, and the glycosidic group PT.
Oleanolane type: Oleanolic acid type – Type C, with oleanolic acid as the glycosides. Total saponins are non-hemolytic, type A is anti-hemolytic while types B and C are hemolytic.
Rh2: It has the function of inhibiting the metastasis of cancer cells to other organs, enhancing the immunity of the body, and recovering the body quickly. It has an obvious anti-metastatic effect on cancer cells and can be taken in conjunction with surgery to enhance the healing of wounds and recovery of physical strength after surgery. The absorption rate of the human body is 16%, and the highest content is 16.2%.
Rg: has the effect of stimulating the central nervous system, anti-fatigue, improving memory and learning ability, and promoting DNA and RNA synthesis. Rg1: can quickly relieve fatigue, improve learning and memory, delay aging, has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, and inhibits platelet agglutination.

Rg2: It has an anti-shock effect, rapidly improves myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, and treats and prevents coronary heart disease.
Rg3: It can act on the G2 phase of the cell reproductive cycle, inhibit the synthesis of protein and ATP of cancer cells in the prophase of mitosis, slow down the proliferation and growth of cancer cells, and has the functions of inhibiting the infiltration of cancer cells, anti-tumor cell metastasis, promoting apoptosis of tumor cells and inhibiting the growth of tumor cells. It can be metabolized into rh2 by shedding a sugar molecule under the action of intestinal bacteria in the body.
Rg5: inhibit cancer cell infiltration, anti-tumour cell metastasis, promote tumor cell apoptosis, inhibit tumor cell growth.
Rb1: the most abundant in American ginseng, has the potential to affect the testes of animals and the embryonic development of mice, enhances the function of the choline system, increases the synthesis and release of acetylcholine, and improves memory.
Rb2:Promotes the synthesis of DNA and RNA, and is centrally regulated in the brain, with effects on central nervous system inhibition, intracellular calcium reduction, antioxidation, scavenging of free radicals in the body, and improvement of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury.
Rc: Ginsenoside Rc is a steroidal molecule found in ginseng. It has the function of inhibiting cancer cells. May increase the motility of spermatozoa.
Rb3: It can enhance the function of the heart muscle and protect the body’s autoimmune system. It can be used to treat various different causes of myocardial contractile failure.
Rh: It has central nervous and hypnotic effects, is analgesic, tranquilizer, and antipyretic, and promotes serum protein synthesis.
Rh1: It has the effect of promoting hepatocyte proliferation and DNA synthesis, which can be used for the treatment and prevention of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Ro: Anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, anti-thrombotic, inhibits acidic platelet clotting and anti-hepatitis effect activates macrophages.
Rh3: Effect of ginsenoside Rh3 on the proliferation and apoptosis of human colon cancer cells SW480.